Real world data Evidence & Natural Language Processing

Now AI is poised to transform the drug and device development process, helping researchers refine the approval process and significantly cutting both the time and the expense needed to bring products to market. While AI has long been used to facilitate recruitment of study subjects, optimize study design, and support patient adherence to study protocols, AI’s greatest contribution to clinical research may still be on the horizon— unlocking the data richness that lies within the mountains of novel real-world data (RWD) sources.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being adopted across the healthcare industry, and some of the most exciting AI applications leverage natural language processing (NLP). Simply put, NLP is a specialized branch of AI focused on the interpretation and manipulation of human-generated spoken or written data.


Humanitas Research Hospital – Via Manzoni 56, Rozzano (Milano), Italia – P. IVA 10125410158 Autorizzazioni: Decreto Presidente Regione Lombardia n°1906 del 18.04.1996 Direttore Sanitario: dott. Michele Lagioia.